
noxer.shape_manipulation module

Functionality useful for experiments with novel learning algorithms for neural networks, such as novel optimization algorithms.

Functionality useful for experiments with novel
learning algorithms for neural networks, such as
novel optimization algorithms.

import numpy as np

def struct_to_vector(S):
    """Converts an arbitrary dictionary of shapes into a single vector"""

    blueprint = []
    vect = []

    for k,v in S.items():
        if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
            blueprint.append((k, "misc", v))
        vf = v.flatten()
        st = len(vect)
        ed = st + len(vf)
        meta_data = (k, "value", (slice(st, ed), v.shape))

    return np.array(vect), blueprint

def vector_to_struct(vect, blueprint):
    """Inverse to above function."""
    S = {}
    for k, t, v in blueprint:
        if t == "misc":
            S[k] = v

        slc, shape = v
        S[k] = np.reshape(vect[slc], newshape=shape)
    return S

activations = {
    "gauss": lambda x, b: b.exp(-(x)),
    "inv": lambda x, b: 1.0 / (1.0 + x),
    "linear": lambda x, b: x,
    "logistic": lambda x, b: b.log(1 + b.exp(x)),
    "sigmoid": lambda x, b: 1/(1 + b.exp(-x)),
    "quadratic": lambda x, b: x ** 2,
    "LeReLU": lambda x, b: b.maximum(x, x*0.05),

def ffnn_predict(X,W, nn_name="nn", backend=np):
    """makes predictions with nn with """
    H = X

    idx = 0
    name = "w" # name for which to check if it is still in dict

    while (nn_name + "_w_%s"%idx) in W:
        w = W[nn_name + "_w_%s"%idx]
        b = W[nn_name + "_b_%s"%idx]
        a = W[nn_name + "_a_%s"%idx]
        H =,w) + b
        H = activations[a](H, backend)
        idx += 1

    return H

def rnd_gen(*args):
    return np.random.randn(*args)

def select_nn(W, nn_name):
    R = {k:v for k, v in W.items() if k.startswith(nn_name)}
    return R

def make_ffnn_weights(X, Y, n_neurons, n_layers, act, out_act="linear", nn_name="nn", W=None, rnd = rnd_gen):

    :param X: training inputs
    :param Y: training outputs
    :param n_neurons: number of neurons in feed forward nn
    :param n_layers: number of layers
    :param act: activation type
    :param out_act: activation applied to the output layer
    :param nn_name: name of the neural network
    :param W: dictionary where to write the results. New one is used if not provided.

    if W is None:
        W = {}

    Xsz = X if isinstance(X, int) else X.shape[-1]
    Ysz = Y if isinstance(Y, int) else Y.shape[-1]

    Asz, Bsz = Xsz, n_neurons

    for idx in range(n_layers+1):

        if idx == n_layers:
            act = out_act
            Bsz = Ysz

        w = rnd(Asz, Bsz)
        b = rnd(Bsz)

        for name, par in (('w',w), ('b', b), ('a', act)):
            W[nn_name + "_" + name + "_%s"%idx] = par

        idx += 1
        Asz = Bsz

    return W

Module variables

var activations


def ffnn_predict(

X, W, nn_name='nn', backend=<module 'numpy' from '/home/iaroslav/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/'>)

makes predictions with nn with

def ffnn_predict(X,W, nn_name="nn", backend=np):
    """makes predictions with nn with """
    H = X

    idx = 0
    name = "w" # name for which to check if it is still in dict

    while (nn_name + "_w_%s"%idx) in W:
        w = W[nn_name + "_w_%s"%idx]
        b = W[nn_name + "_b_%s"%idx]
        a = W[nn_name + "_a_%s"%idx]
        H =,w) + b
        H = activations[a](H, backend)
        idx += 1

    return H

def make_ffnn_weights(

X, Y, n_neurons, n_layers, act, out_act='linear', nn_name='nn', W=None, rnd=<function rnd_gen at 0x7f7c9d1c5950>)

:param X: training inputs :param Y: training outputs :param n_neurons: number of neurons in feed forward nn :param n_layers: number of layers :param act: activation type :param out_act: activation applied to the output layer :param nn_name: name of the neural network :param W: dictionary where to write the results. New one is used if not provided. :return:

def make_ffnn_weights(X, Y, n_neurons, n_layers, act, out_act="linear", nn_name="nn", W=None, rnd = rnd_gen):

    :param X: training inputs
    :param Y: training outputs
    :param n_neurons: number of neurons in feed forward nn
    :param n_layers: number of layers
    :param act: activation type
    :param out_act: activation applied to the output layer
    :param nn_name: name of the neural network
    :param W: dictionary where to write the results. New one is used if not provided.

    if W is None:
        W = {}

    Xsz = X if isinstance(X, int) else X.shape[-1]
    Ysz = Y if isinstance(Y, int) else Y.shape[-1]

    Asz, Bsz = Xsz, n_neurons

    for idx in range(n_layers+1):

        if idx == n_layers:
            act = out_act
            Bsz = Ysz

        w = rnd(Asz, Bsz)
        b = rnd(Bsz)

        for name, par in (('w',w), ('b', b), ('a', act)):
            W[nn_name + "_" + name + "_%s"%idx] = par

        idx += 1
        Asz = Bsz

    return W

def rnd_gen(


def rnd_gen(*args):
    return np.random.randn(*args)

def select_nn(

W, nn_name)

def select_nn(W, nn_name):
    R = {k:v for k, v in W.items() if k.startswith(nn_name)}
    return R

def struct_to_vector(


Converts an arbitrary dictionary of shapes into a single vector

def struct_to_vector(S):
    """Converts an arbitrary dictionary of shapes into a single vector"""

    blueprint = []
    vect = []

    for k,v in S.items():
        if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
            blueprint.append((k, "misc", v))
        vf = v.flatten()
        st = len(vect)
        ed = st + len(vf)
        meta_data = (k, "value", (slice(st, ed), v.shape))

    return np.array(vect), blueprint

def vector_to_struct(

vect, blueprint)

Inverse to above function.

def vector_to_struct(vect, blueprint):
    """Inverse to above function."""
    S = {}
    for k, t, v in blueprint:
        if t == "misc":
            S[k] = v

        slc, shape = v
        S[k] = np.reshape(vect[slc], newshape=shape)
    return S